Let’s take a moment to revisit the endless, drunken ramblings of former President Rodrigo Duterte during his presidential campaign, where he floundered around, trying to sound intelligent while desperately grasping at straws to make coherent sentences. It was a pitiful, laughable spectacle—one that highlighted his sheer incompetence and lack of substance.

Who could forget his ludicrous assertion that the Philippines would be better off sucking up to China? At the same time, he shamelessly condemned Senator Grace Poe for her presidential aspirations, claiming that a “foreigner” leading the country would be a disaster of epic proportions. And now? We find him cozily pushing Chinese citizen Guo Hua Ping into public office under his wing. The hypocrisy is staggering. It’s as if Duterte is clinging to power at all costs, prioritizing self-preservation over the well-being of the Filipino people—never offering legitimate political strategy, just a pathetic quest for personal gain.

Now, the repercussions of this Duterte love affair with China are crushing the Filipino people where it hurts. That so-called “war on drugs,” which he touted in a blood-soaked frenzy as a noble effort to eradicate crime, was nothing more than a ruse. The very drugs he claimed to eliminate primarily originated from China! The innocent people caught in the crossfire were merely collateral damage, used to justify the barbaric executions of alleged drug offenders. Just take a look at Kerwin Espinosa, publicly groveling and apologizing to former Senator Leila de Lima for dragging her into the cesspool of Duterte’s manufactured drug trade scandal. Or consider former mayor Jed Mabilog, who became a victim of Duterte’s twisted political games when he was unjustly tagged as Duterte’s infamous narcolist. This “war on drugs”? It was nothing but a brutal elimination of rivals and a consolidation of power.

Fast forward to today, and the ongoing Quad Committee hearings are pinning Duterte against the wall, clearly illustrating how his unwavering allegiance to China has wreaked havoc on the Filipino people. His fingerprints are all over the illegal POGOs that serve as the breeding ground for money laundering, human and drug trafficking, illegal detention, prostitution, immigration bribery schemes, cybercrime, and love scams. Who threw open the doors to this chaos? That’s right—Duterte, enthusiastically welcomed Chinese influence with wide-open arms.

Let’s be clear: Duterte has always been a puppet serving China’s interests, leaving the Filipino people as mere mistresses in a sickening betrayal. We, the Filipinos, have stood by as our democratic freedoms were systematically dismantled, transforming our nation into a playground for Chinese corruption and criminal activity. So let me ask: Was Duterte’s promise of peace and order worth the cost? Not by a long shot.

Duterte now claims he’s ready to appear at the Quad Committee hearings, but will he show up? And if he does, will he finally come clean about his twisted relationship with China, illegal POGOs, and extrajudicial killings? Or will it be more of the same incoherent ramblings we endured during his interviews and press conferences?

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