Some witnesses appeared before the Senate and testified about their knowledge of the disappearance of more than 30 sabungero.
One of them is Denmark “Arvee” Sinfuego.
Sinfuego said he saw cockpit guards grab and intercept some men who eventually disappeared.
He further stated that one of the attendees at the hearing met the leader of the guards and called him chief.
The witness was initially wrapped in a mask and hoodie, but was removed by committee chairman Sen. Ronald de la Rosa as if he could clearly hear the witness’s statement.
The senator warned the witness that he would be removed from the witness protection program once it was discovered that he was giving false information to the investigating board.
Meanwhile, in the statement of witness Alvin Indon, he pointed out gambling tycoon Charlie “Atong” Ang that he was the voice he heard on the cellphone talking to his staff Julie Patidongan who in turn ordered them to be killed.
But on Ang’s side, he denied the accusation.
Instead, Ang Laguna provincial director Col. Rogart Campo is said to be behind the stories about him.
However, the police chief in Laguna province also has his own story
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