House Deputy Speaker David Suarez recently declared that those involved in the rampant proliferation of illegal operations of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs) in the Philippines should be held accountable. His statement comes as the House Quad Committee investigates the rising tide of criminal activity—including human trafficking, money laundering, illegal drug trade, and other crimes tied to illegal POGOs, many of which have been disgracefully linked to Chinese syndicates.

Suarez’s statement signifies a much-needed commitment to restore order and accountability in the Philippines, particularly given how deeply the crisis brought about by the illegal POGOs is entangled with the toxic legacy of former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, whose administration not only allowed but actively facilitated the rise of illegal POGOs by shamelessly cozying up to China.

Duterte’s pivot to China during his presidency laid the groundwork for illegal POGOs to flourish unchallenged in the Philippines. What began as a supposed economic boon quickly devolved into a nightmare; the Duterte administration initially promoted POGOs as a vital component of the national economy, highlighting dubious claims of billions of pesos in generated revenues and jobs for Filipinos. However, it soon became blatantly clear through the investigation of the House Quad Comm that beneath the surface, POGOs were infested with criminal activity, their unregulated and loosely monitored operations serving as a breeding ground for illegal practices.

Reports of human trafficking surged alarmingly as Chinese workers were smuggled into the Philippines under wretched and exploitative conditions to fill roles in illegal POGO-related businesses. Money laundering operations ballooned, with vast sums of cash moving through untraceable channels while regulatory oversight languished in the shadows. Worse yet, illegal POGOs became a haven for crime, with syndicates—many disturbingly linked to Chinese organizations—using the industry as a front for criminal activities, including smuggling illegal drugs onto our shores.

Duterte, being the lap dog of China, failed to protect the Filipino people from the illegal activities of syndicates originating from China. Duterte, who prided himself on a tough stance on law and order, exhibited an inexplicable leniency toward China, enabling rampant corruption to fester. His administration’s selective application of justice created a deliberate blind spot through its intimate ties to Chinese interests. For a leader who repeatedly proclaimed himself the protector of the Filipino people, Duterte’s blatant inaction against these illegal operations and his apparent allegiance to foreign interests left many questioning where his true loyalties lay.

Duterte’s close and blind relations with China indisputably contributed to his failure to prevent the rise of the illegal POGOs, despite its growing detrimental impact on Philippine society. The influx of disreputable Chinese individuals—associated with Duterte, including the likes of Michael Yang, Allan Lim, and Alice Guo—undoubtedly brought with them crime, exploitation, and corruption, leaving ordinary Filipinos to suffer the consequences of his negligence.

House Deputy Speaker David Suarez’s statement is a critical first step toward unearthing the truth behind the illegal POGO crisis devastating our nation. The House Quad Comm’s investigation aims to lay the groundwork for political accountability, ensuring those who profited from these illicit activities and those who enabled their flourishing are brought to justice.

The Quad Comm investigation is a testament to the necessity of checks and balances in a democracy. Duterte’s overwhelming popularity and strongman persona allowed him to rule with impunity for years, but finally, the wheels of justice are turning, and a reckoning is on the horizon.

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