Only in the Philippines do we see a police officer, educated and trained to work in the field of law enforcement, suddenly transform into a lottery game boss as the PCSO General Manager. Either Garma is indeed a wildly multi-faceted individual or, let’s face it, just another well-placed crony of former president Rodrigo Duterte. This isn’t exactly shocking when you look at Duterte’s inner circle a goldmine of questionable appointments. We have Bato de la Rosa, who went from PNP chief to lawmaker like it’s the most obvious career move, Bong Go, once a glorified errand boy of Duterte, now mindlessly parading around the Senate, and Michael Yang, a businessman from China playing advisor on economic matters of a country he’s not even a citizen of. Are we really expected to believe that these appointments were based on merit rather than blind loyalty?

And then there’s Garma’s particularly colorful resume – from being a drug war commander responsible for spearheading numerous kill orders under Duterte’s drug war to being general manager of the PCSO. Because being involved in extrajudicial killings prepares you to oversee charity work and medical assistance. That’s like hiring a jeepney driver to teach law- makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

What’s more astonishing is how Garma, as PCSO General Manager, funneled PCSO funds in the amount of PhP2 Million, to set up her party list. Notably, the first nominee of the party list is Yvonne Barandog, wife of a police officer close to Garma and the second nominee is her own cousin. Instead of funding much-needed health programs, medical assistance, and charitable services, taxpayers’ money is shamelessly being funneled to grow her boss’ political empire. This kind of blatant misuse of public funds could not have happened without Duterte’s full blessing.

Indeed, the apple does not fall far from the tree, because Garma seems to be emulating the tactics of her boss, Duterte. It was revealed that as General Manager of the PCSO, Garma appointed 7 of her relatives to PCSO positions, including her very own daughter, who is 23 years old, with zero experience in law enforcement. Unbelievable – this is Duterte-style nepotism at its finest.

Also very ironic how a minute ago Garma was just hysterically crying and begging the QuadCom to bring her daughter to the HOR premises when she was detained because her daughter could not handle being alone without her due to her mental health issues. Now that the QuadCom is breathing down her neck, Garma’s tune has changed from “my daughter can’t handle this” to “Dsylexia is not a disease and she was able to overcome it. She is very competent in report writing and editing communications!” The mental health card was played for sympathy, but now it’s just another excuse in a mountain of them.

With the evidence the QuadCom has uncovered against Garma, it’s hardly surprising that someone who has painted herself as an ordinary PNP officer turns out to have hidden wealth. During the 7th QuadCom hearing, Garma admitted to owning a Hilltop mansion where she holds team buildings for her employees at PCSO, a fact she denied during the previous hearing. She even had the audacity of disowning the property by saying “It’s not my property but I developed it”. Is she even listening to the words coming out of her mouth? Lies after lies – and now it’s clear Garma is drowning in her lies as she struggles to keep her story straight under the pressure of the QuadCom.

At the end of the day, Garma, like Duterte and the rest of his cronies, has one thing in common—a talent for lying. They think this is how they’re going to win their case, but soon enough, they should realize their lies will be their very own undoing. The Filipinos have had enough of their nonsense.

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