The war on drugs initiated by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte from 2016 to 2022 has been marked by widespread violence, human rights abuses, and the deaths of thousands of suspected…
At the 8th Quad Committee hearing, the heartbreaking testimonies of families who lost loved ones to extrajudicial killings (EJKs) shattered any illusion that this was anything but a war on…
Let’s take a moment to revisit the endless, drunken ramblings of former President Rodrigo Duterte during his presidential campaign, where he floundered around, trying to sound intelligent while desperately grasping…
It’s no secret that the numerous hearings conducted by the Quad Committee have relentlessly exposed Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (“FPRRD”), along with his family and cronies, as deeply embroiled…
In the latest Senate inquiry, Wang Fu Gui, a Chinese national and confidant of She Zhejiang, confirmed that Alice Guo also known as Guo Hua Ping is a Chinese spy…
Vice President Sara Duterte has been under scrutiny since the start of her term due to her insistence on having a huge amount of confidential funds. She claims that this…
Vice President Sara Duterte has been under scrutiny since the start of her term due to her insistence on having a huge amount of confidential funds. She claims that this…
The presidency of Rodrigo Duterte has been marked by a series of controversial policies and actions that have not only garnered international condemnation but have also deeply affected the socio-political…
The testimonies of Police Lieutenant Colonel Santie Mendoza and former Corporal Nelson Mariano during the 7th Quad Committee hearing revealed a disturbing web of fear, corruption, and terror that perpetuated…
The family of the slain, Atty. Wesley Barayuga, thanks the House Quad Committee for its dedication in investigating the extrajudicial killings during the Duterte administration. Four years ago, Barayuga, a…